Thursday, June 25, 2015

Back Home

I had a chance of a life time. Working as a program developer and coordinator for EartH2O in Costa Rica these last 5 weeks has taught me so much. A mixture of beauty, travel, and work and to add that I got paid for it all. Kind of hard to believe. I have met so many people across the globe, learned so many cultural and business lessons it is really surreal. I would tend to say that I have learned so much and experiences so much in the last couple of weeks that I feel as if I have been here for 3 months. I am sorry for only blogging about my time in CR minimally. That just means you will have to ask me in person ;)

I'm sitting here now in the airport waiting to board the plane. As I am doing so I am thinking about all that I have learned, all that has changed since I have been away from the states, and all that has changed me while away. Time flies, yet time still changes things. To think that I will be returning to my grandma and college friends getting married, friends having babies, and friends continuing to graduate programs. Life's a roller coaster, seeming to never slow down.

I am so ready and excited to come to Texas, California and Oregon to see the people I love and cherish. I am thrilled to start a new beginning and life out of school. Thanks to my time abroad I know my own visions have matured, my cultural perspectives shifted, my spiritual walk strengthened, and that I as a person have become stronger.

I love you all. Thank you so much for following me on this journey and keeping me in your prayers.

Con Amor,


1 comment:

  1. I like to read about your experiences. Hope you continue learning about God and His unfailing promises. Thanks for sharing xoxo pdt. Sorry for my English ;-)
